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Pope Francis Ki


Pope Francis warns social media can alienate people

Unrealistic online reality becoming predominant in young people, pontiff says

Tells Catholics to fight climate change, calling it 'moral imperative'

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis said on Thursday that social media can be alienating and that young people were living in an unreal world because of it.

"Social media can be a place of loneliness and division," Francis said in a speech to young people from around the world at the Vatican.

He said that while social media could be a tool for good, it could also be addictive and lead to isolation.

"It can make us feel like we are part of a community, but in reality we are often more isolated than ever," he said.

Francis also called on Catholics to join the fight against climate change, calling it a "moral imperative." He said that the world was facing a "climate emergency" and that it was up to Catholics to take action to protect the planet.

"We must all do our part to reduce our carbon footprint and to live more sustainable lives," he said.

Francis's comments on social media and climate change came in a speech to mark the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council, which was a major改革of the Catholic Church.

Un News The United Nations
